Not Going Anywhere  Mechanical sculpture & interactive video installation built into acrylic casing. Components include a live camera, LCD, repurposed parts from a piano and a typewriter, Zoetrope built from microwave parts and drawings, insula
  Not Going Anywhere (Detail & installation view)  Mechanical sculpture & interactive video installation built into acrylic casing. Components include a live camera, LCD, repurposed parts from a piano and a typewriter, Zoetrope built from mic
  Not Going Anywhere (alternate views)  Mechanical sculpture & interactive video installation built into acrylic casing. Components include a live camera, LCD, repurposed parts from a piano and a typewriter, Zoetrope built from microwave parts an
  Not Going Anywhere  Mechanical sculpture & interactive video installation built into acrylic casing. Components include a live camera, LCD, repurposed parts from a piano and a typewriter, Zoetrope built from microwave parts and drawings, insula

Not Going Anywhere
Mechanical sculpture & interactive video installation built into acrylic casing. Components include a live camera, LCD, repurposed parts from a piano and a typewriter, Zoetrope built from microwave parts and drawings, insulation pipe, 2-way mirror, bird skull and pushbutton switch.
15 × 12 × 6 in
Installation photos courtesy of Porter Contemporary Gallery NYC

  Not Going Anywhere (Detail & installation view)  Mechanical sculpture & interactive video installation built into acrylic casing. Components include a live camera, LCD, repurposed parts from a piano and a typewriter, Zoetrope built from mic

Not Going Anywhere (Detail & installation view)
Mechanical sculpture & interactive video installation built into acrylic casing. Components include a live camera, LCD, repurposed parts from a piano and a typewriter, Zoetrope built from microwave parts and drawings, insulation pipe, 2-way mirror, bird skull and pushbutton switch.
15 × 12 × 6 in

  Not Going Anywhere (alternate views)  Mechanical sculpture & interactive video installation built into acrylic casing. Components include a live camera, LCD, repurposed parts from a piano and a typewriter, Zoetrope built from microwave parts an

Not Going Anywhere (alternate views)
Mechanical sculpture & interactive video installation built into acrylic casing. Components include a live camera, LCD, repurposed parts from a piano and a typewriter, Zoetrope built from microwave parts and drawings, insulation pipe, 2-way mirror, bird skull and pushbutton switch.
15 × 12 × 6 in


Not Going Anywhere
Video Documentation & Installation view